Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Chocolate Cake!

Today has been a good day!  I have been baking.


175 g softened butter
175 g golden caster sugar
3 eggs
140 g SR flour
85 g ground almonds
1/2 tsp baking powder
100 ml milk
4 tbsp cocoa powder
50 g plain chocolate chips or chunks
few extra chunks of chocolate for decorating

{I doubled the recipe and made two cakes}

Heat oven to 160c/140c fan/ gm 3
line a 2 lb loaf tin

To make the loaf cake batter, cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.  

Beat in the eggs, flour, almonds, baking powder, milk and cocoa until smooth. Stir in the chocolate chips, then scrape into the tin. 

weighing out the ground almonds
always use eggs that are room temperature
ready to go in the oven
Bake for 45-50 minutes until golden, risen and and skewer poked in the middle comes out clean.

Whilst my cakes were in the oven, I had a lovely long chat with my friend Karen!

Melt extra chocolate chunks separately in  pans over barely simmering water.  Today I used only white chocolate as this was all I had in my cupboard.
As if my magic, my son appears to like the bowl!!

Tomorrow my sister and her children are visiting;
guess what we shall have with our cup of tea?

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Beginning a New Cycle

The last week of August has suddenly arrived and with it comes thoughts of a change in season. While we hold on fast to those last days of summer Mother Nature is already moving us along, giving us signs that the new season is being ushered in.  

The air is fresher in the early morning and the evenings are much cooler prompting thoughts of candles and a small fire for comfort. 

I have for many years felt that September is first month of my year.  I think it goes back to when the children were younger and at school.  September would bring in the new; new uniform, new shoes, new lunch box,  new routine. Now that I work in a school it still remains for me a time of new beginnings and the promise of so much.
I shall be back at work next week and my 'New Year' will have begun.  What better time to begin a new cycle than in Autumn with it's rich tapestry of colour and texture.  Autumn gives us so much to look forward to as we prepare and make provision for the long winter months.  There are berries to be harvested and chutneys to be made.  
In just a few weeks I shall be making the Christmas Cake and Christmas Puddings giving them time to mature for their majestic entry during the Christmas season.

I am excited to be moving on into a new season with all that it will bring. I am looking forward to being back in familiar routines, and taking hold of my 'new year resolutions'. Promises I make to myself and also in this season of provision and harvest; taking hold of promises from heaven.
We thank thee then, O Father,
For all things bright and good, The seed time and the harvest, Our life, our health, our food. Accept the gifts we offer For all thy love imparts, And what thou most desirest, Our humble, thankful hearts.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Losing a best friend!

It's been a funny old year.  The highs have been high and the lows have been very low.  One sad day in late June I lost one of my very best friends. He was the kind of friend you dreamed of; loyal, faithful, always cheery, always there for you.  He knew when you were happy and when you were sad.  He even knew what to do in either of those situations, and he always made me smile.  One day he was there and the next he was gone, and his leaving left me utterly bereft.

The depth of feeling for my loss of my friend took me by surprise.  I always knew that one day he would go from me, but I had know idea his leaving would affect me in quite the way that it did.  For days I was in disbelief, and then such deep sadness filled my heart.  Ultimately I had to accept that our time together was over and he was never coming home.

It's been two months now, and the gap he has made in my life is taking some getting used to.  I can still hear him, and still anticipate him being there for me at odd moments in my day.  The reality is that my dear old friend Jervis the dog is now but a treasured memory, but the good thing is memories stay with you forever!

celebrating Claire's 18th birthday
One of his special places was Portsdown Hill.  He loved it up there. We used to take him every Saturday morning. He would bound across the hill at the speed of lightening, to and fro without a single care in his world.  It was always a tonic to see him loving the outdoors.  We would finish our visit off with a cup of tea and a bacon butty, and he would sit perfectly still hoping for a tit bit before we headed off home.  Portsdown Hill was one of his favourite places, and a fitting place to say our final goodbyes.

So long old fella!
I am blessed to have friends who have experienced the same loss, and they have been such a comfort.  Alfie tragically died some 4 years ago. He is still sorely missed. Sadly Sid, Boston and Sassy left us this summer, and like Jervis the parting was sudden and unexpected.  It has been good to have a mutual empathy for the loss of a dear pet.

"Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our lives.  Yet, if they find warmth therein, who would begrudge them those years that they have so guarded? And whatever they take,  be sure they have deserved"                                                      John Galworthy

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


the humble button is a joy to behold!

My friend Karen and I love buttons. We can spend hours just looking, choosing, and playing with them before we make our crafty masterpieces on lazy Spring afternoons.
We have a lovely time together!
my first felt brooch

my button heart
There is a small warehouse in Chichester called 'The Eternal Maker' which sells all manner of wonderful haberdashery and fabrics.  A veritable feast for the eyes!

When Karen and I first went there, I thought she was going to hyperventilate with excitement as we walked through the door.
It is well worth a visit to stock up on the lovely, pretty things for those projects set aside for a wet afternoon!
I now have got myself a good stock of lovely buttons!
my button jar
I can recall my Grandmother having a button tin.  She was a seamstress and tailoress and used to take in sewing and alterations to earn some extra money to help pay the bills.  We talk of a time of austerity now, but I reckon her generation really did know how hard it was to stretch the shillings and pennies.  

Carry on Camping!

It is true to say that camping polarises people; rather like Marmite, you love it or you hate it! I love it, and have been lucky enough to spend nearly three weeks under 'canvas' this summer. This love affair with tentage and all that goes with camp life began a long time ago. I can clearly remember the first time I stood in a tent at the age of about nine. My Aunt and Uncle were camping near Plymouth and were washed out by relentless rain, so for a few days they came to stay with us to get warm and dry out. We must have gone back to their tent to collect some belongings. I had never been in a tent before but I still can remember the smell of warm wet canvas and grass, a heady smell that hit me as I stood inside their big frame tent.  Excitement welled within me and I knew that when I grew up, I wanted to camp!

Guiding days!
My first proper taste of camping came at the age of twelve, when, as a newly enrolled Girl Guide, I went on Summer Camp to a farm near Brent Tor, just outside Tavistock. We camped in big heavy canvas tents and learnt the art of camp craft. Living in a city, I had never woken to the sound of a cock crowing, or smelt the early morning dew. I had never whittled wood then lash it together.  This for me was magical and I was hooked!

By the time my Girl Guiding days came to an end I had already started dating the love of my life who would later become my husband. He owned his own tent, and when he passed his driving test we discovered a new found freedom and a shared interest. Excitedly we would take off in his Mini, imaginatively called 'Little Min', packed with the Vango Force Ten, and head to Cornwall. We loved Sennen Cove and would camp at a small site called Levant  House at Pendeen on the north Cornish Coast. Happy Days!

Camping gets you back to nature. It strips you back to basics and is good for the soul. There is nothing more breathtaking than the night sky, when you trek across the field to the toilet block to clean your teeth before turning in. The air is clear and almost intoxicating and the sky is full of stars not normally seen at home, the milky way and shooting stars, all of which remind you that you are just a small part of a much bigger picture.  And with that thought you turn in for a night of slumber; cosy in a sleeping bag on hopefully a perfectly inflated airbed.

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.        Isaiah 40:26

Over the years I have camped in places more far flung than Cornwall. My mallet has driven tent pegs into the turf in Malta, France, The Lake District, Scotland, Dorset, Norfolk, Northumbria and of course glorious Devon! Ah Devon, with it's rolling hills and it's scanty flat pitches. This is where I have spent this summer camping!  Tucked away in the South Hams, on a farm with views of fields of gold ready for harvest.  This is where, in the midst of such simple beauty, I reminded myself that life really does not get much better than this, and that I hope for many a year to come I will get to 'Carry on Camping!'

Fields of Gold

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
Oscar Wilde 
Those that know me well know that I have 'a thing' about hearts!  I have no idea when it started or why it should be, but the truth of the matter is they fill my home in all different sizes and make me smile.  Having hearts around me remind me that I am loved; each one a gift from a special person, or bought on a special day evoking memories of a place or time.  It is true, I have many and with this in mind, this year I have felt to give hearts away and share the love and warmth they bring.  

Ones heart is precious!  Were it not so then God who created us would not desire our heart or indeed search our heart for its intent.  I am resolved to keep my heart in good physical and emotional shape. More walking and exercise and flushing through the stuff of life that clogs the arteries and causes my heart to labour.