Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Beginning a New Cycle

The last week of August has suddenly arrived and with it comes thoughts of a change in season. While we hold on fast to those last days of summer Mother Nature is already moving us along, giving us signs that the new season is being ushered in.  

The air is fresher in the early morning and the evenings are much cooler prompting thoughts of candles and a small fire for comfort. 

I have for many years felt that September is first month of my year.  I think it goes back to when the children were younger and at school.  September would bring in the new; new uniform, new shoes, new lunch box,  new routine. Now that I work in a school it still remains for me a time of new beginnings and the promise of so much.
I shall be back at work next week and my 'New Year' will have begun.  What better time to begin a new cycle than in Autumn with it's rich tapestry of colour and texture.  Autumn gives us so much to look forward to as we prepare and make provision for the long winter months.  There are berries to be harvested and chutneys to be made.  
In just a few weeks I shall be making the Christmas Cake and Christmas Puddings giving them time to mature for their majestic entry during the Christmas season.

I am excited to be moving on into a new season with all that it will bring. I am looking forward to being back in familiar routines, and taking hold of my 'new year resolutions'. Promises I make to myself and also in this season of provision and harvest; taking hold of promises from heaven.
We thank thee then, O Father,
For all things bright and good, The seed time and the harvest, Our life, our health, our food. Accept the gifts we offer For all thy love imparts, And what thou most desirest, Our humble, thankful hearts.


  1. Happy New Year for next week then Jane xxx

  2. Here's to a more joyous and healthy New Year for us xx
